A Simple Theory
Lately, I find myself being quite a magnet for being consistently beleaguered with a bevy of boisterous individuals, hell bent on attaining cheap and quick success in life.
Some are complete strangers, whilst some, pitifully are those I once considered friends in one way or another. What irks me most is not the fact that they are malnutritioned from the blood, sweat and tears that is hard work, but that astonishingly, these people loathe those that pulverize and grimace with pain each day to attain their goals.
"Work smart, not work hard", they moaned with a glee of satisfaction.
How trivial I thought to myself as they continued watching others from their coffee shop seats and repleting finances.
As much as I want to contain myself from harbouring ill intentions toward them, I know I've failed. Deep inside me, I yearn for the day I shall look below upon these people and laugh away at where cheap talks and lazy walks had brought them.
I vow to myself to ignore the Bastards once and for all. I strongly believe in that quote that states... If You Don't Scale The Mountains, You Can't View The Plains.