Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The Top of the Hand

I saw a Man who kissed the top part of his companion's hand.
Repeatedly. Over a short period of time.
I do not know how.
But I'm very sure he Loves her.
Very Much.

Most Definitely.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Double Chocolate Chip

Famous Amos cookies, we tend to be generous about it. 200g of No Nuts, and you, another 200g of Double Chocolate Chips. Really dark brown in colour, almost like night, with flavour as soothing as sunshine on a cold day.

I've never been a fan of those Double Chocolate Chip variety though, only until now.

Recently, if I were to buy a bag of them sumptuous cookies, I'd invariably choose the latter. It tastes much better than No Nuts. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Arigato Gozaimasu

I used to speak perfect Japanese,
That made You Laugh.

You did a perfect rendition of Jay Leno,
That made Me Laugh.

We were Happy. Were.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


You don't know us.
But you made us laugh aplenty.

I wonder if we'll ever see U again.
Just to smile.